
About Me

Victoria Lynn
Baltimore, Md
Victoria Lynn

Bill Viola

July 9, 2009

 Ever heard of Bill Viola? If you haven't than you must take a second to find out who he is! Bill Viola is considered the pioneer of video art and is recongized as one of today's leading artists. For over 35 years he has created videotapes, architectural video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances, flat panel video pieces, and works for television broadcast.

Exhibitions include Bill Viola: Installations and Videotapes, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1987; Bill Viola: Unseen Images, seven installations toured six venues in Europe, 1992-1994, organized by the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Kira Perov. Viola represented the U.S. at the 46th Venice Biennale in 1995 with Buried Secrets, a series of five new installation works. In 1997 the Whitney Museum of American Art organized Bill Viola: A 25-Year Survey that included over 35 installations and videotapes and traveled for two years to six museums in the United States and Europe. In 2002 Viola completed his most ambitious project, Going Forth By Day, a five part projected digital “fresco” cycle, his first work in High-Definition video, commissioned by the Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin and the Guggenheim Museum, New York. Bill Viola: The Passions, a new series inspired by late medieval and early Renaissance art, was exhibited at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles in 2003 then traveled to the National Gallery, London, the Fondación “La Caixa” in Madrid and the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. One of the largest exhibitions of Viola’s installations to date, Bill Viola: Hatsu-Yume (First Dream) (2006-2007), drew over 340,000 visitors to the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo.

Two Women, 2008
Color High-Definition video on plasma display mounted on wall
Performers: Pamela Blackwell and Weba Garretson
Photo: Kira Perov

 Google Sketchup

July 7, 2009 

In class we are learning about Google Sketchup, a program that allows you to build 3D objects within the graphing map. Normally I easily pick up most programs but for some reason I seem to be having trouble with this. I believe my sketches came out good but I'm not sure how to get the arc in the mailbox (this is the object I picked to recreate). Any hints or advice? If you haven't heard of Google Sketchup I added some pictures of more experienced projects!

originally posted July 7, 2:26 p.m.

I'm Moving to Portland!

July 5, 2009 

So I have been thinking about moving to somewhere else besides Maryland for as long as I can remember. But now I have a boyfriend, who owns his own buisness, and I don't want to leave my family...that was if the opportunity wasn't right! I think I found my new love...Portland, Oregon! The city is small and quaint but oh so beautiful! It houses some of the best museums along with a city filled with broad and compelling artists! Take a look for yourself...

Shaffer Fine Art stakes it claim as “Oregon’s showcase for major, world-renown artists.” Few galleries in Portland exhibit a comparable quality of work. Their popular paintings include vivid depictions of European street scenes, seascapes, landscapes, marine abstracts and florals, all from celebrated artists.
This unique gallery brings the Northwest Native culture to life. Quintana showcases the finest contemporary Northwest Coast Native artists. Exhibitions include hand-carved red cedar masks, totem poles, boxes and panels, as well as silkscreen prints and jewelry. Stone carvings depicting the Inuit of the Eastern Canadian Arctic are also featured.
This family-owned gallery has gained recognition as an important source for contemporary art. Although they represent nationally known artists, they constantly search for new work that is fresh and innovative. Mediums of art include paintings, drawings, prints, photographs and sculptures.
When a group of starving artists with little business sense pooled their resources to start a gallery, few predicted success. Yet over 20 years later, Blackfish is going strong. It’s neared extinction more times than the Panda Bear, but it always seems to hang on, through the dogged determination of its co-op of artists. Perhaps more than any gallery in Portland, Blackfish promotes the arts scene by providing a chance for artists to make the transition from student to professional.

The Lawrence Gallery opened a second location in the Pearl District. With a vast collection of artwork from over 200 artists, the gallery is showing that its success in Sheridan was no accident. Artwork at the gallery includes paintings in acrylic, mixed media, oil, watercolor and pastel. There are bronze and outdoor garden sculptures and accessories. Clay, glass, jewelry, and woodworks are displayed as well.

Project 3

 Earth's Hearbeat:A Tale of Living Organisms  

July 1, 2009

If you didn't already know I am a film major and have been overly fascinated with film and video art ever since I was introduced to it! For this project we were asked to create moving images or still imagery mixed with audio to create an overall theme, commercial, narrative, etc. So I thought how far can I go with this...what boundaries can I (in a sense) can I make it relate to each individual? That's when I thought about all the death's that have been occuring all over the world...from the young girl shot in Isreal or the death of Michael Jackson...This is when I begin to think. We never know when we are going to die, when we are going to concieve, or any other part of our life. It's all a mystery that is played out, like it is in a movie. I wanted to make something that used multiple scenarios but that all lead to one overall theme. Check it out on YouTube:

originally posted July 1, 2:10 p.m.

What Are Some of the Differences Between HTML & XHTML?

June 27, 2009

Check out this article I found, it really helped me understand how easy and great the differences between HTML & XHTML are. Check it out for yourself if you would like at :

Written by Chris Jason

They’re actually very much the same thing—tag-based markup languages used to display Web pages. The difference is only seen by the people creating the pages (Web designers, programmers, etc.) and focuses on “forgivability”— HTML allows for some ugly code (mixed-case tags like <BoDy>, improperly nested elements, and unclosed tags), while XHTML does not.

In XHTML, all tags must be lowercase

. Instead of using tags like <P>, <STRONG>, and <TABLE>, use <p>, <strong>, and <table>.

In XHTML, all tags must be closed

Example of valid HTML:
<p>This is a paragraph

Equivalent in XHTML:
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

Tags that don’t contain data (like breaks, images, and horizontal rules) should also be closed in HTML. There’s no need to write an opening and closing tag, though. There is of course a shortcut:

<!— Examples of properly closed XHTML tags -->
<!—Properly closed image -->
<img src=”someimage.gif” alt="An image" />
<!—Properly closed break tag -->
<br />
<!—Properly closed horizontal rule -->
<hr />

In XHTML, tags must be properly nested

In HTML, the following code might display exactly as you intended:

<strong><em>Here’s some bold and italicized text</strong></em>

Although this might work, it’s not “good” code. To complete in XHTML, simply make sure your tags are properly nested:

<strong><em>Here’s a valid XHTML version of bold italicized code</em></strong>

XHTML wrapup

XHTML is just cleaner HTML—tags are consistently lowercase, all tags are closed, and tags are properly nested.

originally posted June 27, 4:52 a.m.


June 22, 2009

I hate storyboarding! I know that everyone says that they are there as a helpful device to order shots and plus it gives you a visual. But I swear it only makes me decide to change everything around! Especially with art pieces it seems to take forever for me to come up with an idea using a pencil and paper, I love just finding pieces and then seeing how I can fit them all together. What kind of story can you tell…and I feel it always comes out so much better! But then I just do the storyboards after and that makes no sense!!!! Project 3 will be posted soon can’t wait for your comments!


originally posted June 22, 8:45 p.m.

Project 2: Digital Art

June 18, 2009

Below is my Digital Art PDF, which shows not only examples of Digital Art but also tells a brief history of how digital art became and the use it is to the world today. Check it out below!


originally posted June 18, 12:03 p.m.

Ewing_OutlineDigitalArt.pdf Ewing_OutlineDigitalArt.pdf
Size : 1.982 Kb
Type : pdf

Films You Must See…If You Haven’t See Them!

June 18, 2009

Don’t like “old movies,” try checking out some of these great movies.

1)      Casablanca

2)      All About Eve

3)      Alice Adams

4)      Christmas In Connecticut

5)      Double Indemnity

Not really your style, looking for some interesting independent film maybe?

1)      Memento

2)    11:14

3)      Green Street Hooligans

4)      Boondock Saints

5)      Bobby


originally posted June 18, 11:30 a.m.

My Favorite Web Pages

June 15, 2009

In our newest discussion we were asked to discuss a web page we liked and why. I decided why not to share all of my sites that I love to rummage around! : Rotten Tomatoes; this site has tons of movie reviews from both critics and the RT community, you can check out movie times, read others blogs about films, and much more. : Internet Movie Database; this site is an overall database of all registered films-meaning you can find independent films, films in post-production, and if films in pre-production. Each page lists the films synopsis, characters, actors, plot, and even trivia. As well if you become part of the community you can see directors notes, cast commentary, and even blogs. CNET; this site is for the ultimate tech-head! It holds reviews for all types of technological gadgets from cell phones to appliances, and it’s not only written reviews but video reviews as well! This makes the site extremely useful because you are able to see the product before you buy it. Do you want the new IPhone? Well check it out at CNET and see if it’s really the phone for you! Perez Hilton: Gossip Queen; This site is a guilty pleasure filled with Hollywood gossip. But I love how the site is set-up, it is user friendly and always very vibrant and colorful! : IGN: This site has gamer reviews, tv reviews, movie reviews, shows previews, and discusses anything tech related. Great site if you interested in buying a tech gadget but not sure which one or if you are a big gamer this site has all the good info on upcoming games.


originally posted June 15, 4:13 p.m.

Digital Art: Why is it so Hard to Define?

June 10, 2009

As the day comes closer and closer towards the due date for my project I am still unaware of how to define Digital Art! After researching for the past week I still have trouble deciding what actually defines digital art, there seems to be so many types of digital art its hard to categorize such a broad topic. I was overwhelmed with some of the extraordinary images I found throughout the web but of course I also found great moving images and video. The web is endless  with information and now with everyone able to add their images its hard to find the artists’ name! I will figure it out though! Check out some of these pieces I loved!!!


originally posted June 10, 10:31 a.m.

Project 1: How Does One Describe Abstract Art?

June 8, 2009 

During this project I went a little too far when creating the final project and it became a totally different piece of art. I believe I got my thoughts twisted around a discussion question we had regarding abstract art and why or why not we would consider it abstract.

To me such a question has no right or wrong answer-how can one person tell you that picture is abstract, wouldn’t that be considered more of an opinion. Yes there are rules to evaluating art of any medium, but in the end it is the way each individual interprets the art in order to define it. Now that you understand where my mind was, I just began thinking of how I could make each drawing different with the use of shading and lines. So after looking at everyone else’s finished projects I realized I had gone off into la-la land! But I am still proud and excited how they came out.

I believe overall my images are still unique and abstract. Take a look for yourself!

originally posted June 8, 2:30 a.m.

The Idea and Body of Abstraction

June 5, 2009


As we discuss the idea of abstract art within different mediums I think to myself is abstraction itself unclassified? To me it is like the way people see color, I may see teal and you may see green, yet again it is all in the eye of the beholder. Going through school I want to question everything I am taught, why you may ask? Because like numbers and math it is all created by human beings, who is to say that such a solution really equals x. So especially when it comes to art who is one to say what or how it relates unless it is done by the artist itself.....any opinions?


originally posted June 5, 6:30 p.m.

Good Morning to Everybody, Goodnight to Me

June 4, 2009

Hey Everybody!

 If you haven't been to my site before please take a look around; I have been working on it for a while but it is still not complete. I started it as a showcase online of my artwork but then it slowly became more and now has a weekly blog! I would love any comments or feedback regarding the site...constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated. Please also feel free to post any questions you have about using certain programs or anything regarding design.

 So you may be wondering what my title is all about. Well, it's like I said I am up awake and about to go to bed after I write this blog, while my boyfriend sleeps in bed soon to be up in about 2 hours. Why am I coming home so late? Partying? No. Then what? Well, I just got a job as a bartender at T.G.I. Friday's and if you close it takes about 1-2 hours to shutdown and the actual bar closes at 2 a.m. You do the math! But I'm not complaining I am actually very excited about this job, it's hard work but that's what I enjoy about it. Plus all the hardwork I am putting into it now will defiently pay off in the end and I just can't wait to reach that feeling of accompishment. I already have passed one of the "validating" tests for training, there is one more which is service bar on a friday night. Now if you have never bartended before you wouldn't know what service bar is- this is the bartender who makes all the drinks for the resturants-so imagine a friday night shift! Crazy! But I'm determined to kick butt!

 Before I go off to bed, I wanted to let you in on some of my dreams, aspirations, and goals. My fairy tell dream was always to become a famous actress, but as I grow older I the appeal fades. Now my dream is to be happy for the rest of my life, whatever that may be. I have many goals but my top three would be to finish college (including graduate school, MA, PhD), pay off all my debt before I buy a house, and to find my dream job one day! As you can see my goals are still very generic simply because I am still in the process of figuring out what it is I want to do. I feel that if I just keep following the path of what I enjoy then everything else will fall into place.

Okay I am going to bed! Good Morning and Good Night! I am going to leave you with one of my favorite pictures that I took at a Def Leppard Concert.....enjoy.
originally posted June 3, 4:30 a.m.



April 22, 2009

 How are you? If you are taking the time to read this that means you have stopped by my portfolio and have been taking a look at some of my creations. I started this website to showcase my talent, while being able to make what I want with no deadlines or guidelines, but I have now also decided I will post weekly blogs. The blogs will not only cover my own creative writing, but also tips and tricks on how to use multimedia programs, reveiws on upcoming films, and anything else I feel can...
Continue reading...

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